Uploading Emblems Using FTP with or without Flat Files

Every customer that has insignias/emblems have to get us their data from somewhere, most will use FTP as a way to upload those emblem files.

Emblem files have 2 components:

  • The image itself 
  • The product component (what it becomes in repspark)

Inventoried items (shirts, hats, pants, etc.). In RepSpark's back-end are considered Product Type 2

Non-inventoried products (insignias, emblems, etc.) are stored in RepSpark's back-end as Product Type 3

The way that Emblems/Logos are fed into RepSpark is through uploading the image of the item first, we run a product sync which converts that image and its data into a product. 

  1. Connect to FTP Client with your company's FTP username and Password. Usually will be connecting to port 22 as this is the default port for SFTP 
  2. Look for your Inbox folder and upload your Emblem/Logo files accordingly 

You will see your Inbox and LiveProductImages at the rootThe LiveProductImages folder will usually contain the following folders > ActiveInsignias, Insignias (in some cases, some clients will have only the Insignias folder)

  • LiveProductImages - This is where the images for the products will go

  • Insignias/ActiveInsignias- This is where you will upload the emblem image files, which can be set up as PNG or JPEGs, each one of the files is linked to a customer, whether it is through the Naming convention of the image file itself or through a flat file that contains that data. 

If your brand uses a specific naming conventions to determine which emblems/logos belong to a specific customer, and does NOT use flat files, the file name would look something like: 


Correctly name your files and upload them to the FTP and perform a product sync to see your emblems! 

If your brand uses a flat file to determine which emblem/logo file belongs to which customer, upload the emblem/logo files to your Insignias or ActiveInsignias folder, 

then please proceed...

When images are uploaded to your Insignia/ActiveInsignia folder, you will then go to where your flat file is located (this flat file is usually in the form of a .xlsx or .csv file). In this case, the flat file is located in the Inbox folder.

Once you locate the .csv or .xlsx file that contains the data for the emblems/logos and what customers they belong to, drag the file to your desktop so you can edit the flat file

Because the most recent emblem/logo file that was uploaded to the Insgnias folder is named 'PETE179.PNG' we want to make sure that we add the correct file name to the flat file (.csv, .xslx), the emblems description and which customercode and storecode that emblem belongs to.

Next you want to upload the updated flat file back into the FTP tool.

Once that is complete, when the next Product Sync runs, the emblem should be visible on the site for that customer code.