Filters and Sorting Products
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Sorting products on Products Page

On the Products Page, you will see a section labeled 'Sort by:' where you will now have the option to sort ALL products and not just products on that current page. Beyond typical sorting options like Units (High-Low), we have added other options to help Sales Reps and Customers with creating their orders. 

Here are a couple of those added options: 

  • Top Recommended Products - is most frequently ordered items by item quantity
  • My Top Products - is the same thing but for your own orders (you being the selected customer code + sales rep code combo)
  • Recommended - is regular Top Recommended Products but excludes stuff without available or incoming inventory, and it also adds some higher priority for products others have ordered along with the products in your cart (i.e. people who purchased this also purchased these other items).

Please CLICK HERE to check out this quick video showing you the new feature.