Images and Videos

Image Guidelines

Please see Image Guidelines Attached below for naming convention.

Site Logo Image Specs

  1. Require transparent background Images
  2. Size- Maximum height: 100px Maximum width: 350px
  3. File format- PNG works best-JPG also accepted

Wish List Covers

  1. Suggested Size- 400px by 600px

Background Images

  1. Suggested Size-1920X1080

Site Images

  1. Require transparent background images. 
  2. Document Size- 10X10in Max Size- 10MB
  3. Resolution: 300
  4. Color Mode: RGB
  5. For product image - Minimum 1000x1000 pixels

Thank you Modal 

    1. Suggested Size-1920X1080

Catalog - Feature Page, Cover Page, and Canvas Page

    1. Ideal image size for feature, cover, and canvas page is 816x1056 pixels. The image can be larger in either dimension, but the RATIO must remain the same. (i.e. 2000x2588 would also work) 

    2. Ideal image size for Not-Full Cover page is 816x338 or in same ratio (Option 3)

 Community Image Size and Ratio

The new Community profile image aspect ratio is 16:9
Recommended sizes are:
1920x1080 px
1280x720 px

The new Featured image aspect ratio is 21:9 

Recommended size is:

2560x1080 px 

(You will be able to upload this in Community within the Admin Panel)