Invoice Payments

Getting Started with Invoice Payments


Invoice Payments allows retailers to pay for their invoices directly on the RepSpark platform. This document provides a step-by-step guide to help you set up and learn how to use Invoice Payments, so you can seamlessly integrate it into your ERP and current workflow. 

Invoice Payments is currently in Closed Beta. If you are interested in participating in our Closed Beta, please reach out to RepSpark Success at

Before you start

Ensure you have the following prerequisites completed to enable a smooth setup process: 

  • You’ll need an active Stripe account to process and accept payments via credit card
  • Only ERP integrations with Apparel Magic are currently supported
  • Only invoices in USD can be processed currently


Step 1 - Reach out to RepSpark Support

In order to get Invoice Payments enabled on your store, you’ll need to reach out to Customer Success at Once Success has enabled it, then you can get to connecting your Stripe account. 

Step 2 - Connect your Stripe account

In the Admin Panel, click on the Payments and Check Out Tab, click the Connect My Stripe Account button and it will direct you to a Stripe page to connect your Stripe account.


Step 3 - Configure your Invoice Payments settings

You can customize Invoice Payments to fit your business workflow. Below is a list of the different settings that you can configure within RepSpark: 

  • Credit Card processing fee: you have the option to charge your customers a processing fee when paying for invoices in RepSpark. This can be configured as either a percentage or a flat fee. 
  • Bypass locking: by default, invoices must be locked in Apparel Magic in order to be payable within RepSpark. This is a good way to restrict paying until the invoice has been finalized with shipping costs, etc. You can instead bypass the locking requirement, in which case, eligible invoices will be synced and ready to pay in RepSpark as soon as they are created.

Step 4 - Test an order

Once your Stripe account is connected, we recommend testing an order to make sure it’s all working properly. You can either place a prebook order on RepSpark, or create an invoice directly in Apparel Magic. 

Through RepSpark

  1. Place a prebook order through RepSpark for a small dollar amount. That order should sync to Apparel Magic. 
  2. Once that order is in Apparel Magic, go through your normal workflow to create the invoice from that order. Depending on your system, the invoice creation process might be automated. 
  3. When that invoice is created, it will then sync back to RepSpark. This might take up to an hour to sync the invoices.

Through Apparel Magic

  1. Create the invoice directly in Apparel Magic. Make sure that the invoice you create has a customer code and sales rep code that exists in RepSpark already. 
  2. When that invoice is created, it will then sync back to RepSpark. This might take up to an hour to sync the invoices.

Open that invoice and attempt to pay it as a buyer. You will have to use a live card to test the payment. If the payment goes through, then we’re all set! 

(Optional) Step 5 - Invite your customers to pay on RepSpark

You can invite your customers to pay on RepSpark 

Send them this guide so they can learn how to manage and pay their invoices on RepSpark. 

And that’s it! You’ve made it easier for your customers to pay, so you’ll be paid faster. 


What is Uncollectible status? 

  • An invoice might be uncollectible because it doesn’t meet the requirements to be an invoice. Below are some of the reasons an invoice might be Uncollectible:
  • Depending on your settings, you may need to lock an invoice in the ERP in order for it to be payable in RepSpark. 
  • The invoice might not be in USD. 
  • The invoice might not have an amount to pay or equals $0.

Can you pay for invoices through RepSpark that weren’t ordered on RepSpark?

  • It won’t have an RSK order number, but yes, your customers can pay for an invoice that didn’t originate through RepSpark.

How often does the sync happen for invoices? 

  • The sync cadence is determined by your store setting. Invoices are usually synced every hour, but this varies based on your store’s configuration.