Generic Integration Module
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Generic Integration Module- Docs



Memory: 1 GB RAM

Disk Space: as much disk space as your data set requires (typically around 10 GB)


1. Run database creation script specific to your database (e.g. MySQL, MSSQL, Postgres)

2. Edit appsettings.json file (if needed) and adjust sync schedule (see config file section below for more details)

3. Run OS-specific installation script provided by RepSpark


To avoid syncing issues, schedule syncs at least half an hour away from each other.

   ClientKey :  To be provided by RepSpark; specific to each client.

   DevToken :  To be provided by RepSpark; it should match the environment you are writing to (e.g. the dev token to write to production and development are different).

   ApiUrl : Development site: ; UAT: ; Production:

   LogFolderAbsolutePath : The local folder path to where you want to store the outputted logs. Backslashes should be escaped e.g.  C:\\Logs\\IntegrationService\\

   LogLevel :  The level of logging that is outputted to the log files. In descending order: Fatal, Error, Info, Debug. Everything more severe will be logged (e.g. if your loglevel is Info, Error and Fatal messages will be logged as well)

   ImageFolderAbsolutePath :  The local folder path from which images will be uploaded to RepSpark's servers for product images. Backslashes should be escaped e.g.  C:\\images

   Schedules : Used to set up sync schedules. Each sync requires 5 parameters:

       StartTime :  The sync start time. It should be in the format of hh:mm in military time e.g. 15:09

       RepeatEvery :  How often to repeat the sync after the start time; needs to be an integer

       Interval :  The interval used for RepeatEvery, should be day, hour or minute (e.g. a repeatEvery of 2 and an interval of hour means the sync will repeat every 2 hours)

       SyncMode :  Full or Delta, see Sync Modes section below.

       Entity :  The entity sync that should be run. Should be one of option, product, asset, customer, inventory, inventorylocation, season, sizing, invoicereport, orderreport, order, orderconfirmation, upc  

   DatabaseName :  Should be one of "postgresql", "mssql" (Microsoft SQL), or "mysql" depending on which database you are using on the server.

   DatabaseConnectionString :  The database connection string used to connect to the client side server.


   MSSQL: Data Source=<IP>;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=<db name>;User=<user>;Password=<password>

   MySQL: Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword;  

   Postgres: User ID=root;Password=myPassword;Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=myDataBase;Pooling=true;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=100;Connection Lifetime=0;

   FtpUsername :  To be provided by RepSpark

   FtpPassword :  To be provided by RepSpark


IMPORTANT: BOTH sync modes will push all the data in the tables. E.g. delta syncs are not computed locally but rather on the API server.

Full : The Full SyncMode replaces all of the existing data with the incoming data.

Delta : A Delta Sync updates any data in RepSpark with the values that exist in your local database. It will not remove any data that does not exist.


[R] : Required field. All other fields are optional if not pertaining to your company workflow.

Customer : This sync will pull from Customer and CustomerExtensions tables. If you have a data property that doesn't map to one of the Customer table columns, you may be able to put it into the CustomerExtensions table. Please consult RepSpark for more info.

CustomerCode[R] : An identification code for the customer

Address1[R] : the customer's primary address

Name[R] : Customer name

BrandCode : If your company has multiple brands, populate this with an identifying string.

DivisionCode : If your company has multiple divisions, populate this with an identifying string.

StoreCode : an identification code for the store

DBA : Doing business as

Address2 : the customer's secondary address

State : State abbreviation

SalesPersonCode : An identifying code for the sales person assigned to this customer.

ShippingMethodCode : e.g. FedEx, Ground, etc

DiscountPercentage : Should be decimal e.g. 0.2. This would be the set discount that this customer receives.  This will apply to all orders this customer orders if the site is configured this way.

TermsCode : Terms Code (Terms associated with the customer such as NET30, NET90, CC)

TypeCode : Type Code (This would designate the customer as a certain customer type.  Within RepSpark, pricing plans, product segmentation and price lists may rely on the customer type.)

PricePlanCode : Price Plan Code (This could sync back to different pricing tiers within the ERP)

BuyingGroupCode : Buying Group Code (This could sync back to different pricing tiers within the ERP)

Product :  Pull from Product and ProductExtensions tables. If you have a data property that doesn't map to one of the Product table columns, you may be able to put it into the ProductExtensions table. Please consult RepSpark for more info. Note: the imageUrl column is for insignia image URLs

ProductNumber[R] : The product number

ProductName[R] : The Product name

WholesalePrice[R] : Wholesale Price

BrandCode : If your company has multiple brands, populate this with an identifying string.

SeasonCode : If your company has the concept of seasons and has season-specific products, an identifying string of the season

DivisionCode : If your company has multiple divisions and division specific products, populate this with an identifying string.

ColorCode : an identifying string for the color of the product

GenderCode : An identifying string for the gender of the product

CatalogCode : An identifying string for the catalog of the product

CategoryCode : An identifying string for the category of the product

RetailPrice : The retail price

DiscountedPrice : The discounted price

ShortDescription : A short description

LongDescription : Long Description (This could be a marketing description that would give more detail about the product.)

SizeScaleCode : Size Scale Code (This would map to the size scales sent in the Sizings table.)  See Sizing entity for more detail.

ProductType: A regular/body product should be ProductType = 2. Insignia/embroidery are ProductType = 3. Embroideries are considered products and should be entered into the Products table. example: If a product Shirt can be embroidered with a logo, there would be a record for the Shirt in the Products table, as well as a record for the embroidery (the logo).

ImageURL : Used for insignia/embroidery products (ProductType = 3). Needs to follow the format "Insignias\<File Name>". The GIM does not sync the actual image files, these need to be uploaded to the Insignias subdirectory on FTP.

DimensionCode : An identifying string for the dimension of the product, typically not set

Enabled: Defaulted to true. 1: enabled, 0: disabled

AssociationsPerGroup : default will be 0. Sets how many insignias can be set on the product

Season: Pulls from the Seasons table.

SeasonCode[R] : an identifying string of the season

Description[R] : Description of the season like Holiday 2019

StartOrderDate[R] : This is the first date an order can start within a season.

EndOrderDate[R] : This is the last date an order can be placed within a season.

StartShipDate[R] : This is the first start date an order can start within a season.

EndShipDate[R] : This is the last start date an order can start within a season.

BrandCode : If your company has multiple brands, populate this with an identifying string.

DivisionCode : If your company has multiple divisions and division specific seasons, populate this with an identifying string.

ParentSeasonCode : Parent Key Code (If there is a parent/child relationship.  For example, if you have multiple sub-seasons delivered under one season.)

Enabled: Defaulted to true. 1: enabled, 0: disabled

Sizing: Pulls from Sizing table. Each SizeScaleCode can have multiple SizeCodes and each Product maps to a SizeScaleCode. ex. a SizeScaleCode of SHIRTS can have SizeCodes Large, Med, Small.

SizeCode[R] : The size code e.g. S, M, L, XL

SizeIndex[R] : Dictates the order of the size codes on the product pages e.g. if S, M, L, XL is desired, the size indexes should be 0, 1, 2, 3, respectively.

SizeScaleCode[R] : This is the size scale code the size code belongs to; For example, a size scale code can have size codes of S, M, L and another can be XS, S, M, L.

SizeDescription : Optional description of the SizeCode e.g. small

Option : The purpose of Options is to associate codes with readable descriptions. The different ElementTypes are color, division, gender, customerterms, salesperson, shippingoption, productcategory. insignia specific elementTypes: colorchoice, placement (if you do not have insignias for your products, this is not required)

KeyCode[R] : The code of the ElementType,  for example, if ElementType is COLOR, KeyCode: BLU, BRWN, BLK

ElementType[R] : The group of Options that this record belongs to (e.g. color, customerterms, division)

NumericValue1 : Numeric Value 1

NumericValue2 : Numeric Value 2

OrderBy : a number that dictates what order the option will show up in; e.g. for ElementType of COLOR you can assign 1 to Blue and Blue will always show up at the top of lists

ParentCode : Parent Key Code (This would be used in the event of a parent/child relationship within one of the data elements.)

StringValue1 : StringValue1

StringValue2 : StringValue2

BrandCode : If your company has multiple brands, populate this with an identifying string.

Description : Description of the KeyCode (For example, if keycode is RED, BLK the description for these colors might be Red, Midnight or Black)

SeasonCode : an identifying string of the season

DivisionCode : If your company has multiple divisions and division specific seasons, populate this with an identifying string.

Hidden: For hiding options; Default is false

Inventory : Dictates the inventory of products.

AvailableDate : The inventory's available

AvailableQuantity : The available quantity

BrandCode : If your company has multiple brands, populate this with an identifying string.

ColorCode : an identifying string for the color of the product

DimensionCode : Optional, the dimension code for the inventory

DivisionCode : If your company has multiple divisions and division specific seasons, populate this with an identifying string.

GenderCode : An identifying string for the gender of the product

InfiniteAvailability : bit; determines whether or not the quantity will be shown as infinite

LocationCode : Maps to the inventory location

ProductCategoryCode : An identifying string for the product category of the product

ProductNumber : The product number

SeasonCode : an identifying string of the season

SizeCode : The size code e.g. S, M, L, XL

Order : Do not write to this table; this table is filled out with submitted orders in RepSpark when the Order sync is run. Our order hierarchy is Order, OrderItems, OrderItemSets, OrderItemSetProducts, OrderItemSetSizes.

OrderId : The RepSpark order id

BrandCode : If your company has multiple brands, populate this with an identifying string.

CancelDate : The order's cancel date

CatalogCode : An identifying string for the catalog of the order

Comments : The comments section of the order

CustomerCode : An identification code for the customer

DivisionCode : If your company has multiple divisions and division specific seasons, populate this with an identifying string.

DropShipAddress1 : The drop ship address field

DropShipAddress2 : The drop ship address field

DropShipAttn : The drop ship Attention to field

DropShipCity : The drop ship city

DropShipCountry The drop ship country

DropShipName : The drop ship name

DropShipState : The drop ship state

DropShipZip : The drop ship zip

EntryDate : The order's entry date

InHandDate : The order's in hand date

LastUpdated : Last date the order date

LastUpdatedBy : The last date

OrderDate : The order date

PriceModification : the price modification applied to an order

PricingTierCode : The order's pricing tier

PurchaseOrder : The purchase order

SalesPersonCode : The sales person code for the order

SeasonCode : an identifying string of the season

ShipViaCode : an identifying string for the ship via method

SpecialHandling : bit; orders can be sent to a queue if enabled

StartDate : order start date

StatusId : 1 submitted; the order is submitted on the RepSpark website

StoreCode : the store code on the order

TermsCode : the terms code on the order

TypeCode : the type code of the order

UserName : the user that placed the order

Order Confirmation : Once orders are received from RepSpark and processed on the ERP, you can run an order confirmation sync for those orders which will update the orders in RepSpark with a Valid status and associate them with an ERP order number

BrandCode : If your company has multiple brands, populate this with an identifying string.
ErpOrderNumber : The order number from the ERP
RepSparkOrderNumber : The RepSpark order number

Inventory Location: Pulls from the InventoryLocations table.

BrandCode : If your company has multiple brands, populate this with an identifying string.

DivisionCode : If your company has multiple divisions and division specific seasons, populate this with an identifying string.

LocationCode : An identifying string for the inventory location

LocationDescription : a description

UPC: Pulls from the UPCs table. UPCs for products.

Upc[R] : Product UPC number

ProductNumber[R] : The product number

SizeCode[R] : The size code e.g. S, M, L, XL

BrandCode : If your company has multiple brands, populate this with an identifying string.

ColorCode : an identifying string for the color of the product

GenderCode : An identifying string for the gender of the product

ProductCategoryCode : An identifying string for the product category of the product

DimensionCode : An identifying string for the dimension of the product

Order Report: Used for reporting data from the ERP. Pulls from the OrderReports, OrderItemReports, and OrderItemSizeReports tables.

Invoice Report:  Used for reporting data from the ERP. Pulls from InvoiceReports, InvoiceItems, InvoiceItemSizes tables.


Q: How do I limit embroideries to specific customers?

A: for each embroidery limit, it needs to be inserted into the ProductExtensions table with the element type set to CUSTOMERCODELIMIT and the value column be the customer code

Q: How do I limit embroideries to specific placements (e.g. left chest, right sleeve)?

A: for each embroidery placement, it needs to be inserted into the ProductExtensions table with the element type set to PLACEMENTLIMIT and the value column be the placement code (e.g. RS for right sleeve). Furthermore, if you want to add descriptions for each code, you can add them to the Options table with the ElementType of 'PLACEMENT'.