Branded Landing Page

Setting Up Your Branded Homepage (User Guide)

Brands use the branded homepage for many reasons:

1) To link to a new catalog

2) To link to a group of products in a created assortment

3) To allow buyers to play a new video

4) To link to fit guides, technical details, and size guides

5) Interview the creative team as they share the details for the new collection

6) Link out to social sites for what's trending, new influencer videos, etc.

7) Communication and notifications (let reps know what's back in stock, alert buyers of a promotion and link right into those products)

To start, remember each branded homepage can be per role.  So you can be telling a different story to buyers than to your sales force.

Step 1: Click on Landing Page Builder in the Admin Section

Step 2: Click Add Brand Page.  

You will be taken to a blank page builder where you can start to build the page.

Step 3: Enter Page Title and Description

This is important because you can have up to 8 pages built in advance.  Naming properly will ensure the correct page is active.  Then, choose whether this page is going to be active or not.

Step 4: Set Your Roles

Different users can see different pages, so select the roles for each page.  It can be a single role or all roles.  Please note you cannot have two homepages active for the same role at the same time.

Step 5: Start Building Your Page

From the module drop down, select your first line layout.  Each module will build one on top of the other.

Each module box will pop up looking something like below.  You can add titles, code through html, type in text with rich text editing features, etc.  Each box can be linked to an outside url (youtube), an assortment of products within RepSpark or a digital catalog.  

Details for Each Module

Big Image:  Recommended image size at least 1920 (width) x 500 (height) pixels. Image must be a .jpg or .png file.

Promo Message:  Has space for message title and detail.

Two Box:  All images should have the same dimension and be at least 1000 pixels wide. Images must be .jpg or .png files.

Three Box:  All images should have the same dimension and be at least 1000 pixels wide. Images must be .jpg or .png files.

Five Box:  All images should have the same dimension and be at least 1000 pixels wide. Images must be .jpg or .png files.

Video:  Add a title and insert the video url from YouTube, Google Drive or Drop Box.

Adding an Image 

To add the image that will display on the page, click choose file or simply drag the image into the dotted box.

Linking a url, assortment or catalog.

To link a url, simply type the url into the box that says "enter link."

To link to a catalog, add the url for the catalog directly into the enter link box.  

To link an assortments, click on "Select Assortment."  This will bring up a list of all private and shared assortments.  Click on the one you want to link to the homepage image.

The image will then appear as below.

Last, click save.  Then, click on the module drop down to add the next set of images or video.

Step 6: Reorder and Save

Once all modules have been added, you can reorder each line by dragging and dropping the line.  Just click on the image and drag up or down.  Once each module is where you like it, don't forget to click Save.

Then, return to the landing page main screen.

Editing and Deleting a Module

Each module will begin to stack as they are being built underneath the Add Module section at the left of the page.  To edit a module, click on the edit icon next to the module you wish to edit.  To delete a module, click on the trashcan icon next to the module you want to delete.