Order Entry

How to Enter an Order


Step 1: Starting the Order

Before we begin adding products, we need to start an order. You can do this from the Products page. Select the "CLICK TO START ORDER" to enter the customer, ship dates, PO#, etc.

Note: On your first visit, the screen will dim and display the start order button 
and welcome message

Important Note: 

Trying to add an item before starting an order will force you to enter order details 
before proceeding. So, it is recommended to start the order before adding items.  

Note: Customer and Order type are always required fields(Red Arrows). For this 
particular brand, they require the Purchase Order to be filled out as 
well(Black Arrow). Once these fields are complete, hit save at the top right 
of the order.
Side Note: If you are a customer of a brand, you might have the Customer 
information already filled out.

Step 2: Adding Items to the Cart

There is a search bar in the upper left corner to search for items or you can use the filters to find items.

Note: Make sure to click "Apply" after adding filters.

There are two views when looking at products to add to your cart:

1. Grid View:

2. List View:

Note: In either view, clicking on the bag icon will add the item to the cart.

Side Note: Clicking on a product opens up a detailed view. And the item can be 
added with the "ADD TO CART" button.

Important Note: 

Item quantities can be entered before adding to the cart in List View and Detailed 
View but are not required. Quantities can be input later when viewing your Cart. 

Step 3: Reviewing Your Cart

Click the bag icon in the upper right corner to Review Your Cart.

Note: If you have not entered quantities yet, or there are other errors, an "Action 
Required" notification will show up(Red Arrow) and each product affected will show 
a red "!" icon as well(Orange Arrows).

Note: Click on "Action Required" to see what needs to be completed to move on.

Note: Clicking on "Edit" will take you to where an action is needed.

Important Note: 

Click the "Save" button to update your cart after any changes have been made.

Once everything in the Cart has been updated and saved, a "No Errors" will appear in green in the upper left.

Click "Proceed to Review" at the bottom of the page in the lower right corner to review your order before submitting it.

If everything looks correct, click "Checkout" to submit your order.

Step 4: Helpful Hints

Helpful Hint 1: Copy and paste quantities to ALL, Same Class, or Selected.
All = all items in your cart
Same Class = items of the same class(ex. belts, polos, pants)
Selected = a notification will pop-up allowing you to click on specific products to 
copy to

Helpful Hint 2: "Distribute Quantity" button will try and distribute the total number 
evenly between sizes.

Helpful Hint 3: You can add multiple items in a search by using a comma.

Helpful Hint 4: If you are leaving the cart, make sure to save it at the bottom 
before leaving the page.