
Getting Started: Admin Dashboard

Accelerate- The Admin Dashboard 

Layout and Navigation Items


The Admin Dashboard can be found in the upper right-hand corner of the screen under the ‘Admin’ tab.  Hover over it and select from the dropdown list.

 You’ll start on the Dashboard page and use the Left side Navigation menu to access different areas of the site admin.   Here’s a look at the side nav:

Graphical user interface, application

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Dashboard View and Configuration


The Dashboard is the hub for quick viewing of the status of your site. Each of these sections will link to a different area of the admin

1. The first section shows Data and Configuration information, you can:
-- select the source for your site data. Shopify or Excel Data Sheets
-- edit your Account and Payment information
-- configure & manage your data syncs
 -- set your order and product configurations

Graphical user interface, application

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2. The bottom section shows a snapshot of your current Branding Assets
 -- You can click on any of the boxes to go to the Brand editor page

Graphical user interface, website

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 Connect Data – Shopify or Excel


There are two paths to take when syncing Data. 

-- You must choose either Shopify or Excel from the dropdown list.
-- Each option comes with its own set of input areas for configuration.
-- Each of these Data Entry/sync methods will be covered in detail in its own separate document in the training portal.
-- For now, just know that this the page where you can set which option to use for your site.

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

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Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

Add Images – The Image Manager


If you are using the Shopify integration, then the images will be pulled directly from your existing Shopify site. You will not use the Image Manager.

 If you are using the Excel Data sheet method, then the Image Manager is where you will manually upload your product images

-- Using the Image Manager with the Excel Data Integration will be covered in detail in the Excel Training document.


Brand – Brand Management Section


Click this section to add your branding assets to the site.  There are several areas where you are able to add flavor and flair to your site’s design.

 -- Click ‘Upload New’ to add a file from your local file system

-- Click ‘Remove’ to delete the current file

1. Brand Logo
-- upload your logo here.
-- This will show throughout the site in various locations.
-- Login Page, Top Navigation, and Catalogs
-- Emails, PDFs, and Order forms

2. Login Page Background Image
 -- This is the first image Buyers see when they visit your site, so put your best foot forward.

-- Update this image from time to time to keep it fresh and seasonal

-- Min Image size required:   1920px by 1080px (W x H)

3. Cover Image
-- Set a cover image for your custom assortments
-- Recommended size: 1024px by 768px (W x H)

4. Thank You Modal Background Image
-- This is the image that will appear in the background upon order submission.
-- Min Image size required: 1920px by 1080px (W x H)

5. Branded Landing Page Builder
-- This section will link you to the tool to customize your Branded Landing page.
-- There is a link to a tutorial video for building a branding landing page

Configure Site

  1. Shipping
  2. Shipping Review
  3. Order Header Permissions
  4. Product View Defaults
    -- Set the preferred view based on users Role
    -- Grid (Block) view is typically better for Customers and Sales
    -- List view is often preferred for Admin or Manager types
     -- Hide or Display Retail Price
  5. Cart Permissions
  6. Notification
  7. Customer Service Role Settings


Manage Users


This section contains all of the user accounts associated with your brand.  Users, accounts, roles, and profiles that are all controlled in the Manage Users section.

Please refer to the Manage Users training material for details on this section.

Order Types and Filters


This section will allow you to add some customization to your product filters.

  1. You can change the order of the filters by dragging and dropping
  2. You can edit the display name for a field.  
     For example: “ProductCategory” could be shortened to just “Category”
  3. You can set default values for specific filters, so that when users arrive on the Products page, they see a specific category or season.  
     This is a good way to feature and push particular lines
  4. You can hide or show the Key Code from the filter section as well
  5. Currently, only one order type is supported




This section shows the contact information of the user account used to sign up and create your site.  This information cannot be changed.


Depending on your type of Accelerate account, you may also see your payment method and information here.